Integrative Coaching

Integrative Coaching

Integrative Coaching is the blending together of two or more vastly different techniques to provide a unity that provides a greater whole than the sum of the two independently. In this case Francis uses the insights gained through an Astrological analysis of a person’s life purpose in comparison with the personality and the social context of the times, and the pathways shown using the Enneagram of change, then combining these with the change techniques offered by NLP to complete old cycles and behaviours that no longer serve the client.

Integrative coaching recognises that we all create our experience by the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours we hold onto. Most of these come from the conditioning we receive from our parents, our schooling, our social environment, our nationality and its traits. Such conditionings are readily accepted as “truths” without much critical appraisal. We often think we know ourselves but actually we usually only know our conditioning. When we hear what we are saying most people discover they are not at all what they have become and this is where a healing journey begins.