Treatment vs Prevention – A New Model for Health

Treatment vs Prevention – A New Model for Health

The Universe is made from a set of nested quantum fields. We can label each interacting, interrelated and inter-responsive fields in many different ways. Like many ideas they can be collected into main categories which make a helpful tool. In general humans seems to like a list with seven categories so I will adhere to this method.

  1. Cosmic Order

  2. Galactic Order

  3. Solar System

  4. Earth Species

  5. Human Species

  6. Social Order

  7. Individual Organisation

The first two can be disregarded because they are beyond human reference. The Solar System influences the hourly, daily, monthly and yearly behaviours of individuals, societies, and their earthly activities. This can be agreed upon simply by the changing orientation of the Earth to the Sun. In actuality the entirety of Astrological thought arises from within this quantum field.

The fourth field affects the individual organisation simply by location. Those living closer to the equator act differently from those close to polar regions through climatic conditions. Yet as the planet becomes more connected we find that we are never too different from others.

This similarity is due to the field defined as the Human Species. Humans have certain needs that have to be fulfilled. These needs are physical, emotional, social and spiritual. We need food and shelter, as well as safety and security. We need love and connection, acceptance and bonds. We need expression through sex, art, creativity and performance. We also need a sense of purpose that is beyond selfhood. We need a sense of worth that is not measured in possessions.

If any of these are missing or distorted the field will effect those fields that it contains. This means that if the field of Humanity is unbalanced it will quickly affect the social and individual fields, showing up as physical, emotional, and social ills. When the social ills are also subsequently denied and blamed on some other force then the imbalance will show up in the individual’s balance and health.

Rather than pointing to specifics I suggest that everyone considers which illnesses are plaguing the social order at this time and what is the underlying quantum disturbance. The quantum fields create the physical and material worlds, so the causes cannot be physical. If the something is not physical it must arise in consciousness; that is the spiritual worlds which requires a shift in beliefs and actions to rebalance. To make only one example, the climate crisis arises because we as a species have considered natural resources as God given for us to take as we want. Not every social group has applied this thinking, but those that do have simply moved in and taken them anyway. A good example of this is the clearing of the Amazon forest which is profitable for a very small group and harmful for the rest of humanity.

The greatest challenge for individuals is discovering which field and what disturbance is causing their personal health difficulties. It takes a penetrating and perceptive character to be able to cut through the coverings and delusions to reveal the cause and prescribe a solution to them.

Treatment is seen as the mainstay of a Health service. The presupposition is that a person is healthy unless they show a symptom of the breakdown in the physical body. The premise is that the body is a mechnical system that operates according to preset conditions that are subject to external interference and random unexplained failures.

The new model for health is based on 4 premises

  1. The body is contained within a “psychic” field
  2. The psychic field is attitudinal has its genesis in the thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of self and others in a wider community that reaches to all sentient beings. Essentially this translates to consciousness.
  3. This means that there is only one system that is integrated and non-local, meaning it is not determined by space ot time.
  4. The body is not a fixed static structure but is in a process of continual change, it is in process not static.
  5. The body and mind are in constant communication; the mind and the brain are not the same thing.
  6. The mind communicates its needs and necessities through metaphorical prrocesses including dreams, imagination, fears and physical ailments.

On the Eve of The Matrix Resurrections

On the Eve of the release of The Matrix Resurrections movie

On the eve of the release of next film The Matrix Resurrections it is as well to review what the two paths represent. I came across this exposition elsewhere on the web, so rather than reiterate it I am posting it here.

The RED Pill is the path of Philosophy and Reasoning and Critical Thinking and Science and testing. The BLUE Pill is that of simple and uncritical belief and emotional decision making. Which shall it be? Education and the Liberal Arts and Sciences are about the Red Pill.

One of the core themes of The Matrix is the concept that if you want to transform your world, you must first identify how you have been programmed, decide whether the programming is accurate, then decide whether to reprogram yourself.

You will be challenged in a Philosophy class and in many classes. How will you respond to the challenge that education poses to your beliefs, to your blue pill world?

As a simple start to the Red Pill path or some further steps along that path you might go to look to find five of the beliefs that you held to be true that you later discovered are not true. Or perhaps more easy to find ones that you consider true and other people don’t. Another exercise would be to realize that you already should be aware that things are not always as they appear to be or as we are led to believe. Name one such thing in your life.

This should open up to the possibility that not all beliefs that we hold to be true are actually true and that it would be of great value to question beliefs and to examine them to determine which beliefs have more evidence and reason to support them and distinguish them from others with less support. Philosophy is a method for doing that examination concerning some of the most basic questions and issues human have ever confronted.

THERE IS A WARNING: the dangers of the Blue Pill

Chancellor Palpatine overshadowed by his Sith Lord

Thinking that the Blue Pill is the way to go, the Blue Pill will provide you with comfort and security and stability and order will involve great costs to those that use that approach to life. Notice that these are actually the values held by those with a Conservative persuasion. Not that I want to make this particularly political, because the other side of the house holds equally self-destructive ideas. All politicians are sales clerks to the masses.

It will imperil a society dominated by this type of uncritical thinking. It exposes those who use it to greater risks of infections and diseases as they will not use the latest scientific findings about the causes of illnesses and the spread of disease. (Again I didn’t write this and the aim is not to take sides here only to invite questions.)

It permits people to hold stereotypical and prejudicial notions of other peoples and to act on false claims. It supports racist and sexist ideas and practices and other forms of irrational discriminations and injustices based on uncritical beliefs. It subjects practitioners of the Blue Pill path to victimization by charlatans and hucksters and those that operate ponzi schemes based on irrational hope. The definition of a pyramid scheme is top-down benefits. Based on this Governments and Business are pyramid schemes.

The Blue Pill path is attractive to those with concern for self over others and for the present over the long term but it too often proves to be quite the opposite of what was hoped for when choosing the Blue Pill. So here we all stand with offers of Blue Pill or the Red? Do you want to stay in the dream or wake up to the possibilities and their inherent uncertainty. Waking up to the dream is likely to be a traumatic event and knowing that at any moment one could just as easily fall asleep again.

If you’re wanting to wake up from the dream-state contact the author