Every now and then an astrological twist appears in the evolutionary chart for the present moment. Not many astrologers have come to terms with the appearance of Eris, but it is clear that when a significant new planet arrives it sets a new point of focus.
The appearance of Eris marks a phase of exposure, the uncovering of corruption and a renewal to the “rule of law”. In true fashion Eris is seen as disruptive and a traitor, but in reality she exposes the lies and deceit of those who support the real criminals.
On November 9th 2019 transiting Mars opposes Eris exactly making a T-square aspect to Pluto in its last phases in Capricorn. This is a particularly potent placement because both planets are in the sign opposite to the one they each rule. That is Mars rules Aries but is transiting Libra and Eris rules Libra but is transiting Aries. They are said to be in detriment or in a weak and powerless state.
It is probably good that this is the case because of the damage they might bring if this wasn’t the case. With both being square to Pluto it is unavoidable that there must be a marked transformation occurring at this time. Considering each planet individually will shine some light on the overall interaction.
Mars is a dominating driven and self-indulgent energy, useful for starting things and getting them done. This me-first energy is held to account when it passes through Libra, the sign of building connections and relationships, a collective intelligence. When a person has finally discovered who they are, they will look towards who they are in relationship to others. Mars has a great difficulty seeing beyond its own desires and will. Libra is a sign of diplomacy, harmony and balance which is far from the Martian mindset. Mars transiting Libra is short-term lasting only from 4th October 2019 to 20th November 2019.
Eris, known as the planet of disruption does so in order to bring balance to the forces. Eris is the planet of exposure, expose, and as a result brings truth to the surface and with that justice and penalty. Being the furthest planet from the sun it is also slow to move, long acting. There has always been a phase about the “long arm of the law”, saying that eventually the criminal will be brought to justice. As Eris transits through Aries we can all see this in action. We are being called to account for the criminal assault on our planet Earth, as an example. Eris transiting Aries is long-term, it has been here since 1926 to 2047.
As these two fight for supremacy, Pluto draws into its power to transform Capricorn. Pluto has been bringing its life and death potency to the old structures and services. For any renewal to occur first there must be destruction. This is the Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma trinity of gods, whereby Brahma creates, Vishnu preserves and Shiva destroys in an endless cycle. Capricorn holds the key to the money system, time structure and persistent forms, in many ways it is the preserver and Pluto destroys to bring about change and re-creation.
Eris is cautionary in bringing justice to the change. It is as much the consequences that must result from actions. Karma is another word for justice, and so Eris is the planet of Karma, because karma is not upheld in the courts of law, but in the eternal balances of unseen consequences. In this next few weeks the world will see true justice being brought, especially to those who would rule by force.
I did not set out for this article to be specifically political there is no getting away from the fact that we are all exposed to the political dramas of a conflicted world of real and fake claims.
Every now and then an astrological twist appears in the evolutionary chart for the present moment. Not many astrologers have come to terms with the appearance of Eris, but it is clear that when a significant new planet arrives it sets a new point of focus.
The appearance of Eris marks a phase of exposure, the uncovering of corruption and a renewal to the “rule of law”. In true fashion Eris is seen as disruptive and a traitor, but in reality she exposes the lies and deceit of those who support the real criminals.
On November 9th 2019 transiting Mars opposes Eris exactly making a T-square aspect to Pluto in its last phases in Capricorn. This is a particularly potent placement because both planets are in the sign opposite to the one they each rule. That is Mars rules Aries but is transiting Libra and Eris rules Libra but is transiting Aries. They are said to be in detriment or in a weak and powerless state.
It is probably good that this is the case because of the damage they might bring if this wasn’t the case. With both being square to Pluto it is unavoidable that there must be a marked transformation occurring at this time. Considering each planet individually will shine some light on the overall interaction.
Mars is a dominating driven and self-indulgent energy, useful for starting things and getting them done. This me-first energy is held to account when it passes through Libra, the sign of building connections and relationships, a collective intelligence. When a person has finally discovered who they are, they will look towards who they are in relationship to others. Mars has a great difficulty seeing beyond its own desires and will. Libra is a sign of diplomacy, harmony and balance which is far from the Martian mindset. Mars transiting Libra is short-term lasting only from 4th October 2019 to 20th November 2019.
Eris, known as the planet of disruption does so in order to bring balance to the forces. Eris is the planet of exposure, expose, and as a result brings truth to the surface and with that justice and penalty. Being the furthest planet from the sun it is also slow to move, long acting. There has always been a phase about the “long arm of the law”, saying that eventually the criminal will be brought to justice. As Eris transits through Aries we can all see this in action. We are being called to account for the criminal assault on our planet Earth, as an example. Eris transiting Aries is long-term, it has been here since 1926 to 2047.
As these two fight for supremacy, Pluto draws into its power to transform Capricorn. Pluto has been bringing its life and death potency to the old structures and services. For any renewal to occur first there must be destruction. This is the Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma trinity of gods, whereby Brahma creates, Vishnu preserves and Shiva destroys in an endless cycle. Capricorn holds the key to the money system, time structure and persistent forms, in many ways it is the preserver and Pluto destroys to bring about change and re-creation.
Eris is cautionary in bringing justice to the change. It is as much the consequences that must result from actions. Karma is another word for justice, and so Eris is the planet of Karma, because karma is not upheld in the courts of law, but in the eternal balances of unseen consequences. In this next few weeks the world will see true justice being brought, especially to those who would rule by force.
I did not set out for this article to be specifically political there is no getting away from the fact that we are all exposed to the political dramas of a conflicted world of real and fake claims.