Past-Life Questions


  1. What things fascinate or interest you most?
  2. What experiences stand out in memory that startles or affected you?
  3. What talents or abilities did you have at an early age?
  4. Have you had impressive or recurring dreams or visions?
  5. Do you have any strong likes or dislikes?
  6. Are you inventive or industrious?
  7. Do you have any favorite haunts?
  8. Do you have any favorite animals or pets? Any fear of animals?
  9. Do you have any occupational desires? Any chores you hate?
  10. Who is your best friend? Is there some recognition beyond making sense?
  11. Who is your worst enemy? Can you not escape them?
  12. What is your greatest achievement?
  13. What is your biggest disappoiontment?
  14. What is your greatest fear?
  15. Do you have any destructive or self-destructive teendencies?
  16. Are you attracted or repulsed by any country or natural geographical structure? (sea, mountains, rivers, etc)
  17. Are you attracted to or repulsed by any historical period?
  18. Are you attracted to or repulsed by any particular race, religion,or nationality?
  19. Are you attracted to or repulsed by occupations or professions?
  20. Are you attracted to or repulsed by taste or smell?
  21. Are you attracted to or repulsed by type of furniture, clothing, jewelry, other possessions, guns knives, other weapons?
  22. Are you attracted to or repulsed by any musical sounds or songs, any particular language, or noise?
  23. Are you attracted to or repulsed by specific form of architecture?
  24. Are you attracted to or repulsed by academic subject?
  25. Are you attracted to or repulsed by specific artistic form?
  26. Are you attracted to or repulsed by sport or hobby?
  27. Are you attracted to travelling, particular form of exploration or study?
  28. Are you attracted toa particular creative expression or communication?
  29. Do you make friendships with a particular sort of person?
  30. If you had seven lifetimes to live in the past, where would you have chosen specifically to have been? Where would you specifically not have wanted to have been?

Book a Past-Life session with Francis

Sessions cost NZ$150 and lasts 1½ hours.